Services > PCR
DNA Fragment Analysis
Fragment analysis is a genetic analysis method where DNA fragments are fluorescently labelled and separated by capillary electrophoresis. An internal standard is used to evaluate DNA fragment sizes.
- Short tandem repeat (STR) analysis in human sample identification
- Microsatellite marker analysis
- SNP Genotyping
- Detection of sample contamination
Several instruments are available:
- 3730 DNA Analyzer (48-capillaries)
- SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer (4-capillaries)
Main advantages
- 4 different dyes available for fragment labelling: 6-FAM, VIC, NED, PET (LIZ is used for standard).
- Compatible with 96-well plates for high throughput analysis
- Availability of a “Ready to Run” service for a quick and cost-effective analysis
- Reception of .fsa files compatibles with common analysis software